zaterdag 20 november 2010

Your Favorite Franchise - The Hardest Part

Your Favorite Franchise is proof that it is totally possible for a completely independent band to produce a big budget sound. With a remarkably unique blend of orchestra, synth, piano, intense yet graceful guitar and bass lines, captivating vocal melodies, and unbelievably tight drums, Your Favorite Franchise sets out to bring something distinct.

From start to finish, their debut album entitled "The Hardest Part" offers one of the most energetically ambitious sounds to ever stem from an independent rock act. With unmistakably catchy guitar riffs and cleverly crafted synth leads, ready the repeat button because this band pulls no punches.

Genre: Popcore

01. Terrorizerasaurus
02. Since She Says
03. Go With the Flow
04. Unbreakable
05. Time To...
06. Come Play!
07. All Out of Excuses
08. Saying Goodbye

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